Results for 'Peter Holm Jacobsen'

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  1.  29
    The Asthetic as an Aspect of Praxis.Erik Axel, Janni Berthou Hermansen & Peter Holm Jacobsen - 2019 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 20 (1):26-46.
    This article is an attempt to give arguments for bringing aesthetics back into praxis. Often aesthetics is understood as something coming out of individual designers' or architects' creative talents. We challenge such a view by introducing an understanding of aesthetics as an aspect of praxis. The article builds on observations of a design project for a community centre in a Danish village. We argue that aesthetics is a result of struggles by participants in praxis, where aesthetic, material, functional, ethical, political, (...)
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    A scoping review of the literature featuring research ethics and research integrity cases.Péter Kakuk, Soren Holm, János Kristóf Bodnár, Mohammad Hosseini, Jonathan Lewis, Bert Gordijn & Anna Catharina Vieira Armond - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe areas of Research Ethics (RE) and Research Integrity (RI) are rapidly evolving. Cases of research misconduct, other transgressions related to RE and RI, and forms of ethically questionable behaviors have been frequently published. The objective of this scoping review was to collect RE and RI cases, analyze their main characteristics, and discuss how these cases are represented in the scientific literature.MethodsThe search included cases involving a violation of, or misbehavior, poor judgment, or detrimental research practice in relation to a (...)
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    Festskrift til Søren Holm på 70-årsdagen den 4. marts 1971.Søren Holm & Peter Kemp (eds.) - 1971 - København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag.
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    Videnskabsteori.Jacobsen, Michael Hviid, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen & Peter Nedergaard (eds.) - 1979 - [København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
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    Beyond the art of governmentality: unmasking the distributional consequences of health policies.Peter C. Coyte & Dave Holmes - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (2):154-160.
    The aim of this article is to critique health policy discourses that are taken for granted. This perspective will allow for the identification of ‘exclusionary’ health policies, which we define as policies that are thought to offer universal benefit, despite yielding adverse effects for significant groups of people in society. As such, policies that are said to be designed ‘for all’ frequently benefit only a subset of the population. Our intent is to highlight the distributional consequences of certain health policies (...)
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  6. Ethical Aspects of the Use of 'Sensitive Information' in Health Care Research.Soren Holm & Peter Rossel - 2001 - In Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin, Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality. Clarendon Press.
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    Ranking genetically modified plants according to familiarity.Kathrine Hauge Madsen, Preben Bach Holm, Jesper Lassen & Peter Sandøe - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):267-278.
    In public debate GMPs are oftenreferred to as being unnatural or a violationof nature. Some people have serious moralconcerns about departures from what is natural.Others are concerned about potential risks tothe environment arising from the combination ofhereditary material moving across naturalboundaries and the limits of scientificforesight of long-term consequences. To addresssome of these concerns we propose that anadditional element in risk assessment based onthe concept of familiarity should beintroduced. The objective is to facilitatetransparency about uncertainties inherent inthe risk assessment of (...)
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    Underlying Theoretical Assumptions and the Evaluation of Management Motivation in Higher Education.Peter Holmes - 1985 - Educational Studies 11 (2):159-166.
    (1985). Underlying Theoretical Assumptions and the Evaluation of Management Motivation in Higher Education. Educational Studies: Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 159-166.
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  9. Elizabethan casuistry.Peter Holmes (ed.) - 1981 - [London]: Catholic Record Society.
    Collection of cases with decisions attributed to Cardinal William Allen and Robert Persons, S.J. -- Collection of cases discussed at the English College, Douai (which was at Rheims from 1578 to 1593).
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  10. Videnskabsteori I Statskundskab, Sociologi Og Forvaltning.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Michael Hviid Jacobsen & Peter Nedergaard (eds.) - 2015 - Hans Reitzels Forlag.
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    Understanding and overcoming the barriers of implementing patient decision aids in clinical practice.Siobhan O'Donnell, Ann Cranney, Mary J. Jacobsen, Ian D. Graham, Annette M. O'Connor & Peter Tugwell - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (2):174-181.
  12.  50
    ‘We Have to Go Where the Money Is’—Dilemmas in the Role of Nutrition Scientists: An Interview Study. [REVIEW]Anna Paldam Folker, Lotte Holm & Peter Sandøe - 2009 - Minerva 47 (2):217-236.
    In Western societies scientists are increasingly expected to seek media exposure and cooperate with industry. Little attention has been given to the way such expectations affect the role of scientific experts in society. To investigate scientists’ own perspectives on these issues eight exploratory, in-depth interviews were conducted in Denmark with reputable nutrition scientists. Additionally, eight interviews were held with ‘key informants’ from the field of nutrition policy. It was found that nutrition scientists experience two dilemmas: first, between their aspiration to (...)
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    Disturbances of consciousness in dementia with Lewy bodies associated with alteration in nicotinic receptor binding in the temporal cortex.Clive G. Ballard, Jennifer A. Court, Margaret Piggott, Mary Johnson, John O’Brien, Ian McKeith, Clive Holmes, Peter Lantos, Evelyn Jaros, Robert Perry & E. Perry - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (3):461-474.
    Disturbances of consciousness, including fluctuations in attention and awareness, are a common and clinically important symptom in dementia with Lewy bodies. In the present study we investigate potential mechanisms of such disturbances of consciousness in a clinicopathological study evaluating specific components of the cholinergic system. [3H]Epibatidine binding to the high-affinity nicotinic receptor in the temporal cortex differentiated DLB cases with and without DOC, being 62–66% higher in those with DOC. The were no differences between DLB patients with or without DOC (...)
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    Courtney S. Campbell, Ph. D., is Professor and Director, Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment, Department of Philosophy, Oregon State Uni-versity, Corvallis, Oregon. Jean E. Chambers, Ph. D., is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department of the State University of New York, Oswego. She is currently working on. [REVIEW]John Harris, Bryan Hilliard, Søren Holm, Kenneth V. Iserson, Avery Kolers, Greg Loeben, Peter Montague & John C. Moskop - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12:329-330.
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    Disturbances of consciousness in dementia with Lewy bodies associated with alteration in nicotinic receptor binding in the temporal cortex.G. Ballard Clive, A. Jennifer, Piggott Margaret, Johnson Mary, O'Brien John, McKeith Ian, Clive Holmes, Peter Lantos, Evelyn Jaros & Robert Perry - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (3).
  16.  17
    Philosophy and Kafka.Paul Alberts, Ronald Bogue, Chris Danta, Paul Haacke, Rainer Nagele, Brian O'Connor, Andrew R. Russ, Peter Schwenger, Kevin W. Sweeney, Dimitris Vardoulakis & Isak Winkel Holm - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Philosophy and Kafka is a collection of original essays interrogating the relationship of literature and philosophy. The essays either discuss specific philosophical commentaries on Kafka’s work, consider the possible relevance of certain philosophical outlooks for examining Kafka’s writings, or examine Kafka’s writings in terms of a specific philosophical theme, such as communication and subjectivity, language and meaning, knowledge and truth, the human/animal divide, justice, and freedom.
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    Review of Peter Wenz, Environmental Justice. [REVIEW]Holmes Rolston - 1989 - Between the Species 5 (3).
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    Worauf gründet sich die Vernünftigkeit des Theismus? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Holm Tetens' Gott denken – ein Versuch über rationale Theologie.Peter Rohs - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 70 (1):125-134.
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    Review of Holmes Rolston: Environmental Ethics[REVIEW]Peter S. Wenz - 1989 - Ethics 100 (1):195-197.
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  20.  23
    Courting the Abyss: Free Speech and the Liberal Tradition.John Durham Peters - 2005 - University of Chicago Press.
    _Courting the Abyss_ updates the philosophy of free expression for a world that is very different from the one in which it originated. The notion that a free society should allow Klansmen, neo-Nazis, sundry extremists, and pornographers to spread their doctrines as freely as everyone else has come increasingly under fire. At the same time, in the wake of 9/11, the Right and the Left continue to wage war over the utility of an absolute vision of free speech in a (...)
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  21.  29
    Fictions, Philosophies, and the Problems of Poetics Peter J. McCormick Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988, xvi + 351 p., $42.50, $15.95 paper. [REVIEW]Richard Holmes - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (1):173-.
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    Book Review:Environmental Ethics: Duties to and Values in the Natural World. Holmes Rolston III. [REVIEW]Peter S. Wenz - 1989 - Ethics 100 (1):195-.
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    Glaube und Rationalität - Gibt es gute Gründe für den (A)theismus?Peter Schulte & Romy Jaster (eds.) - 2019 - Mentis.
    "Menschen glauben aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen an Gott. Aber ist dieser Glaube rational gerechtfertigt? In diesem Band streiten führende Religionsphilosoph/-innen um die Frage, ob die besten Gründe für oder gegen den Theismus sprechen. Einige Beiträge unterziehen klassische Argumente für bzw. gegen die Existenz Gottes einer neuen Betrachtung. Andere gehen der Frage nach, welche Bedingungen eigentlich erfüllt sein müssen, damit die Überzeugung, Gott existiere, als vernünftig angesehen werden kann. Gelten hier dieselben Standards wie bei Überzeugungen über die Existenz von Quasaren? Oder (...)
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  24. Description, Disagreement, and Fictional Names.Peter Alward - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):423-448.
    In this paper, a theory of the contents of fictional names — names of fictional people, places, etc. — will be developed.1 The fundamental datum that must be addressed by such a theory is that fictional names are, in an important sense, empty: the entities to which they putatively refer do not exist.2 Nevertheless, they make substantial contributions to the truth conditions of sentences in which they occur. Not only do such sentences have truth conditions, sentences differing only in the (...)
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  25.  61
    Pricing Life–Why It's Time for Health Care Rationing. [REVIEW]Søren Holm - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (5):356-1.
    Pricing Life is an extremely timely and stimulating book. The debate about health care rationing has now been running for several decades but there are still people who publicly deny that rationing of health care has to take place, or that health care rationing could be ethically justifiable. In many countries we have also had politicians who have refused to allow the “R” word to pass their lips. In this well written, and very direct book Peter Ubel decisively shows (...)
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  26.  21
    FREDERIC L. HOLMES and TREVOR H. LEVERE , Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry. Dibner Institute Studies in the History of Science and Technology. Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 2000. Pp. xxi+415. ISBN 0-262-08282-9. £34.50. [REVIEW]Peter J. Ramberg - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Science 35 (2):213-250.
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  27. Book Reviews : Fact, Value, and God, by Arthur F. Holmes. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1997. 183 pp. pb. US $18. ISBN 0-8028-4312-3. [REVIEW]Peter Bartmartn - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (1):110-112.
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  28. The Case of the Missing Ingredient.Peter G. Jones - manuscript
    As a fan of Sherlock Holmes from a young age it occurred to me recently to wonder what the great detective would have made of the 'hard' problem of consciousness. Here is one possible scenario.
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  29. Sammelband: Glaube und Rationalität - Gibt es gute Gründe für den (A)theismus?Romy Jaster & Peter Schulte - 2019 - Münster, Deutschland: mentis.
    Menschen glauben aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen an Gott. Aber ist dieser Glaube rational gerechtfertigt? In diesem Band streiten führende Religionsphilosoph/-innen um die Frage, ob die besten Gründe für oder gegen den Theismus sprechen. Einige Beiträge unterziehen klassische Argumente für bzw. gegen die Existenz Gottes einer neuen Betrachtung. Andere gehen der Frage nach, welche Bedingungen eigentlich erfüllt sein müssen, damit die Überzeugung, Gott existiere, als vernünftig angesehen werden kann. Gelten hier dieselben Standards wie bei Überzeugungen über die Existenz von Quasaren? Oder (...)
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  30. Informatik und Philosophie.Peter Schefe, Heiner Hastedt, Yvonne Dittrich & Geert Keil (eds.) - 1993 - Bibliographisches Institut.
    Mit Beiträgen von Heiner Hastedt, Peter Schefe, Michael Heidelberger, Wolfgang Coy, Peter Janich, Sybille Krämer, Heinz Zemanek, Rafael Capurro, Ekkehard Martens, Yvonne Dittrich, Holm Tetens, Geert Keil, John R. Searle, Margaret A. Boden, Godela Unseld, Ulrike Teubner, Rüdiger Weingarten, Florian Rötzer und Simone Dietz.
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    Caroline Casuistry: The Cases of Conscience of Fr. Thomas Southwell SJ . Edited by Peter Holmes. Pp. l, 308, Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2012, £45.00. [REVIEW]Thomas M. McCoog - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (5):856-857.
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    Equal value of life and the pareto principle.Andreas Hasman & Lars Peter Østerdal - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (1):19-33.
    A principle claiming equal entitlement to continued life has been strongly defended in the literature as a fundamental social value. We refer to this principle as ‘equal value of life'. In this paper we argue that there is a general incompatibility between the equal value of life principle and the weak Pareto principle and provide proof of this under mild structural assumptions. Moreover we demonstrate that a weaker, age-dependent version of the equal value of life principle is also incompatible with (...)
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    Circumcision registry promotes precise research and fosters informed parental decisions.Robert S. Van Howe, Morten Frisch, Peter W. Adler & J. Steven Svoboda - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):6.
    In 2017 Ploug and Holm argued that anonymizing individuals in the Danish circumcision registry was insufficient to protect these individuals from what they regard as the potential harms of being in the registry. We argue that Ploug and Holm’s fears in each of the areas are misguided, not supported by the evidence, and could interfere with the gathering of accurate data. The extent of the risks and harms associated with ritual circumcision is not well known. The anonymized personal (...)
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    Philosophy should and can contribute to bioethics: Tuija Takala, Peter Herissone-Kelly, and Søren Holm : Cutting through the surface: Philosophical approaches to bioethics. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2009, 258pp, €54 HB.Vicki Langendyk - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):359-361.
    Philosophy should and can contribute to bioethics Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9476-2 Authors Vicki Langendyk, School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797, Australia Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Neoliberalism and early childhood education: markets, imaginaries and governance: by Guy Roberts-Holme and Peter Moss, Routledge, 2021, 234 pp., £29.99 (paperback), ISBN 9780367140830. [REVIEW]Maya Lestari, Nurhasanah & Euis Kurniati - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12):2145-2147.
    Neoliberalism, an ideology with an emphasis on competition and marketization of things, has increasingly infiltrated many socio-economic sectors, including education in general and early childhood...
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  36. Models, Sherlock Holmes and the Emperor Claudius.Adam Toon - manuscript
    Recently, a number of authors have suggested that we understand scientific models in the same way as fictional characters, like Sherlock Holmes. The biggest challenge for this approach concerns the ontology of fictional characters. I consider two responses to this challenge, given by Roman Frigg, Ronald Giere and Peter Godfrey-Smith, and argue that neither is successful. I then suggest an alternative approach. While parallels with fiction are useful, I argue that models of real systems are more aptly compared to (...)
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  37. ETHICS: Leadership, ethics and culture in COIN operations: case examples from Marjeh, Afghanistan / Brian Christmas and Paula Holmes-Eber ; Ethics and irregular warfare: the role of the stakeholder theory and care ethics / Geoffroy Murat ; A pedagogy of practical military ethics / Clinton A. Culp ; Leadership in a world of blurred responsibilities / Emmanuel R. Goffi ; When loyalty to comrades conflicts with military duty / J. Peter Bradley ; Leadership and the ethics of dissent: reflections from the Holocaust / Paolo Tripodi ; Enacting a culture of ethical leadership: command and control as unifying mind. [REVIEW]Clyde Croswell & Dan Yaroslaski - 2012 - In Carroll J. Connelley & Paolo Tripodi, Aspects of leadership: ethics, law, and spirituality. Quantico, Virginia: Marine Corps University Press.
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    Critique and Apologetics: Jews, Christians and Pagans in Antiquity. Edited by David Brakke , Anders‐Christian Jacobsen , Jörg Ulrich . Pp. 327, Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2009, $109.95. [REVIEW]Alden Bass - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (3):445-446.
  39.  18
    Między nietzscheańskim ateizmem i kierkegaardowskim idealizmem. Na podstawie powieści Niels Lyhn Jensa Petera Jacobsena.Anna Głąb - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (1):119-147.
    The article analyses Niels Lyhne, a novel written by the Danish writer Jens Peter Jacobsen. The authoress believes that the novel can be interpreted through the prism of Søren Kierkegaard’s philosophy of despair and melancholy, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy of deicide. She investigates the issue of atheism and contradictions that result from it by, firstly, focusing on arguments proving the weakness of religion and then by discussing arguments supporting atheism that are advanced by the main protagonist (...)
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    'Religion' reviewed.Grace M. Jantzen - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (1):14–25.
    Book Reviewed in this article: Traditional Sayings in the Old Testament. By Carole R. Fontaine. Pp. viii, 279, Sheffield, The Almond Press, 1982, £17.95, £8.95. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The Resurrection of Jesus: (...)
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  41. Meta Consent – A Flexible Solution to the Problem of Secondary Use of Health Data.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):721-732.
    In this article we provide an in-depth description of a new model of informed consent called ‘meta consent’ and consider its practical implementation. We explore justifications for preferring meta consent over alternative models of consent as a solution to the problem of secondary use of health data for research. We finally argue that meta consent strikes an appropriate balance between enabling valuable research and protecting the individual.
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  42. A Right against Risk-Imposition and the Problem of Paralysis.Sune Holm - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):917-930.
    In this paper I examine the prospects for a rights-based approach to the morality of pure risk-imposition. In particular, I discuss a practical challenge to proponents of the thesis that we have a right against being imposed a risk of harm. According to an influential criticism, a right against risk-imposition will rule out all ordinary activities. The paper examines two strategies that rights theorists may follow in response to this “Paralysis Problem”. The first strategy introduces a threshold for when a (...)
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    “Nudging” and Informed Consent Revisited: Why “Nudging” Fails in the Clinical Context.Søren Holm & Thomas Ploug - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (6):29-31.
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    Teleology and biocentrism.Sune Holm - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4).
    In this paper I examine the connection between accounts of biological teleology and the biocentrist claim that all living beings have a good of their own. I first present the background for biocentrists’ appeal to biological teleology. Then I raise a problem of scope for teleology-based biocentrism and, drawing in part on recent work by Basl and Sandler, I discuss Taylor and Varner’s responses to this problem. I then challenge Basl and Sandler’s own response to the scope problem for its (...)
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  45.  49
    Organism, machine, artifact: The conceptual and normative challenges of synthetic biology.Sune Holm & Russell Powell - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):627-631.
    Synthetic biology is an emerging discipline that aims to apply rational engineering principles in the design and creation of organisms that are exquisitely tailored to human ends. The creation of artificial life raises conceptual, methodological and normative challenges that are ripe for philosophical investigation. This special issue examines the defining concepts and methods of synthetic biology, details the contours of the organism–artifact distinction, situates the products of synthetic biology vis-à-vis this conceptual typology and against historical human manipulation of the living (...)
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  46.  25
    Ethical problems in clinical practice: the ethical reasoning of health care professionals.Søren Holm - 1997 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press.
    This new study provides a thorough analysis of the ethical reasoning of doctors and nurses. Based on extensive interviews, Soren Holm's work demonstrates how qualitative research methods can be used to study ethical reasoning, and that the results of such studies are important for normative ethics, that is, the analysis of how health care professionals ought to act.
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  47. Reflections on the ethical dilemmas involved in promoting self-management.Anne Lise Holm & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (4):0969733013500806.
    Due to their understanding of self-management, healthcare team members responsible for depressed older persons can experience an ethical dilemma. Each team member contributes important knowledge and experience pertaining to the management of depression, which should be reflected in the management plan. The aim of this study was to explore healthcare team members’ reflections on the ethical dilemmas involved in promoting self-management among depressed older persons. A qualitative design was used and data were collected by means of focus group interviews. The (...)
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    The Problem of Phantom Functions.Sune Holm - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (1):233-241.
    This paper discusses a recent solution to the problem of artifact phantom functions by Beth Preston. A phantom function is a function associated with a kind of artifact that it is structurally incapable of performing. Preston proposes a criterion of artifact proper function according to which phantom functions can be proper functions. This paper argues that Preston’s criterion cannot ground the teleological and normative aspects definitive of proper functions and that the proposed criterion is not consistent with Preston’s account of (...)
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    A Sociology of Modernity: Liberty and Discipline.Peter Wagner - 2002 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2004. Confusion reigns in sociological accounts of the curent condition of modernity. The story-lines from the 'end of the subject' to 'a new individualism', from the 'dissolution of society' to the re-emergence of 'civil society', from the 'end of modernity' to an 'other modernoity' to 'neo-modernization'. This book offers a sociology of modernity in terms of a historical account of social transformations over the past two centuries, focusing on Western Europe but also looking at the USA and (...)
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    The ‘Expiry Problem’ of broad consent for biobank research - And why a meta consent model solves it.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (9):629-631.
    In this response to Neil Manson’s latest intervention in our debate about the best consent model for biobank research we show, contra Manson that the ‘expiry problem’ that affects broad consent models because of changes over time in methods, purposes, types of data used and governance structures is a real and significant problem. We further show that our preferred implementation of meta consent as a national consent platform solves this problem and is not subject to the cost and burden objections (...)
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